Worship Resources For Ash Wednesday And Holy Week
James M. Bloom
Ash Wednesday and Holy Week are special days indeed on the Christian calendar. Pastors and worship leaders need to approach these days with special care so that their significance is not lost on the gathered congregation. How does one mark familiar d

Litanies, Prayers, And Dialogues For Lent And Easter
Craig M. Sweet
Restore Me includes a large collection of Lent and Easter season worship resources created to draw congregations into closer relationship with God.

Specific chapters for both Lent and Easter include:
Calls to worship
Common pra

A Christmas Eve Worship Service
Jan Spence
Jan Spence created this short Christmas Eve children's program for her small, rural church. It includes five brief scenes built around a suggested order of worship. Clergy can easily write a meditation to complete the service.

Speaking parts a

A Resource Book For Worship
Chuck Cammarata
Let’s face it! Writing lively, relevant liturgy every week is a tough task.... Too many people think liturgy is deadly. But it need not be.

This is an inspiring and diverse collection of general, special occasion and seasonal liturgies. Its t...

Six Sermons And Object Lessons For Advent And Christmas
H. Michael Nehls
Sis colors which appear on chancel hangings suggest six salient themes for preaching in the Advent and Christmas seasons. H. Michael Nehls has drawn on familiar colors for this series of object lessons and sermons. Each object lesson includes the use

Robert E. Segerhammar
... There seemed to be no way for poor Pastor Pulpitpounder to stir his little flock until one day, when his voice rose higher and higher, and his straight nose seemed to get straighter and straighter and he rose taller and taller on his long feet

A Modern Day Catechism Companion
H. Burnell Baldwin
These writings on Martin Luther's Small Catechism are a departure from the typical catechism companion. Here you will find reflections that flow from the heart and inspire as only poetic verse can do. You can also use them in your teaching, pr

The Joys Of Faith And The Challenges Of Life
Kenneth Cauthen
What is a ”Melissa moment”? I mean those experiences now and then that bring clarity and conviction and assurance in the midst of situations otherwise riddled by ambiguity, ambivalence, confusion, and uncertainty. I mean those bright and shining m...

Eleven Biblical Lessons for Christian Growth
K. D. Weaver
Because the New Testament speaks directly to us as Christians, it can be tempting to focus more of our attention there at the expense of the Old Testament. However, the Hebrew scriptures still have relevance even for 21st-century Christians. Chasing Chariots is an exploration of 11 scripture passages featuring the

A Ten-Session Marriage Enrichment Course For Couples (Leader's Guide)
Daryl G. Donovan
God intends for marriage to be one of the most satisfying relationships you will ever experience. Like our relationship with Christ, your relationship with your spouse should be a source of joy, peace, life, and love. But many marriages miss God's pl