Invitations To The Kingdom Of Heaven
John A. Terry
This captivating sermon collection explores the many blessings that we receive from God in our lifetimes through our experiences of both sorrow and joy. Terry's brilliantly illustrated sermons will empower those in need with the confidence to conquer

New Life In The Spirit
John A. Stroman
Tongues Of Fire is a refreshingly bold approach to the study of the Holy Spirit. Stroman explores in depth the various manifestations of the Holy Spirit from that ”wild, weird day” of Pentecost to the characteristics of the Spirit’s activity t...

Children's Object Lessons
Wesley T. Runk
Perfect For a post-Lenten or Easter Season Series, this book of nine object lessons uses the Lord's Prayer as its basis.

Chapter titles include: "Our Father Who Art In Heaven." "Hallowed Be Thy Name," "Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread," and "

How To Worship God When It's Illegal
Michael L. Sherer
Lock The Doors And Celebrate! How to Worship God When It’s Illegal is a different, exciting worship experience, especially appropriate for Easter.

Joshua Powers has shaken up the banking and religious world and his enemies have made us

Christmas Eve Service
Robert S. McCreight
We approach the worship of God this evening with a hushed awareness of Christ’s presence in our midst. God again breaks through the calm and darkness to reveal himself to us in the stillness of our hearts. (From the order of worship)


Ten Lenten Sermons On Covenant Themes
Craig Douglas Erickson
Lent is a season to return to God's strong promises. Those promises are best remembered through the category of Covenant. The ten Lenten sermons in this solid preaching series look at several facets of God's Covenant with us:
The covenant relatio

My Father's Journey Home
Jan Groft
On a late spring day, a daughter waits at the airport for her parents’ plane to land and a summer visit to begin. Before the summer is over, however, her father will come to live--and die--in her sunroom.

Children's Object Lessons
Wesley T. Runk
Making A Parade For Jesus offers 52 easy-to-use children’s object lessons for the entire church year. The lessons are based on New Revised Standard Version gospel texts, mostly from Luke.

Each lesson offers:
Simple delivery: ”Good

377 Prayers For Living
Kenneth M. Johnson
Anyone involved in a leadership role, at one point or another, encounters the need for ”prayer handles” -- prayers that can be used as written, or ones users can adapt for themselves. This collection of 377 prayers will give them plenty to ”grab on t...

A Homiletic For The Last Days Of The Mainline Church
John Killinger
The title of John Killinger’s newest book, Preaching To A Church In Crisis, is meant to underline the uniqueness of the present situation in mainline Protestantism, and perhaps the urgency of it, but not to sensationalize it. He makes the poin...