Maps and Visions
Mary C. Boys
Mary Boys offers a new way of thinking about what it means to educate religiously. Utilizing the method of map-making to broaden the context of American religious education, Boys defines a process that incorporates each instructor’s own experi...

A Journey of Faith and Love into Alzheimer's
Robert F. DeHaan
Described as a book that ’’stands head and shoulders above all other books on Alzheimer’’ disease’’ by Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith magazine.

Cycle A
Robert S. Jarboe
Building on his previous best-selling volumes of Services for the Advent Wreath, Robert Jarboe offers a wide selection of flexible worship resources that put the Advent candles firmly in the context of the day's scripture readings. There are complete orders of service based on each Cycle A lectionary text for every Sunday in Advent, as well as Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Cycle C Sermons for Proper 23 through Thanksgiving Based on the Gospel Texts
R. Robert Cueni
In this collection of sermons for the final weeks of the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C, the reader will find the common theme of "living through difficult times of maximal change."

In this volume, Cueni lets the text shape the sermon in some cases, while in others, lets the assigned gospel reading serve as a springboard for moving in a different direction.

Series II, Cycle A
Wayne H. Keller
The most impressive thing about Wayne Keller's body of ideas for worship through the Christian Year is his boldness. He is bold in demanding that we, his colleagues in liturgical leadership, plan worship which has to do with the reality of our congregations' experience in the world, rather than just lead people through a proper agenda of acts and words which have no bearing on what we do the rest of the week. He is bold in challenging us to bring that real

Sermons on the Seven Last Words of Christ
Robert Cornwall
A Cry from the Cross, a series of seven sermons, explores each of the last seven statements given by Jesus as recorded in the gospels of Mark, Luke, and John. As each statement is explored -- statements like "Father, Forgive Them" or "Woman, Here Is Your Son" -- Robert Cornwall offers deeper insights into the meaning and significance of the cross as it relates to the Christian faith.

Series I, Cycle B
Cathy A Ammlung, Stephen Crotts, Paul Flesner, Robert a Noblett, David G. Rogne
The sermons in this anthology reaffirm the hope that is ours through Jesus Christ, and challenge readers to a deeper and more intense faith relationship with the Almighty. The collection provides a complete set of sermons for each Sunday and major celebration throughout the Christian year based on the Second Reading from Cycle B of the Revised Common Lectionary. Outstanding preachers from across the

A Christmas Anthology
These resources were carefully selected from almost 100 manuscripts submitted. They were chosen for their creativity and content, but also for their adaptability to churches of any size. None of them require complicated props or settings, nor do any

Cycle A Sermons -- New for 2013-14
James L. Killen Jr., Robert Leslie Holmes, Tom M. Garrison, Kristen Borsgard Wee, David G. Rogne
If you like reading other top pros' sermons and using them as spring boards for your own sermons, this package is for you. Packed with relevant, practical illustrations and strong, well-grounded theology, these sermons will make your sermons better.

Series III, Cycle B
Robert J. Elder, John Smylie, Kristin Borsgard Wee, Robert Leslie Holmes, Steven Molin

This essential resource is useful for:
• Fresh homiletical approaches to the lectionary texts
• Inspiring preaching illustrations and sermon starters
• Understanding scripture passages
• Adult study and discussion groups
• Personal devotions and Bible study