Across the broad spectrum of the Christian faith, worship services are in transition. There is a richness of expression in traditional worship structures that needs to be maintained, yet there is a vitality and joy in contemporary praise celebrations

First Lesson Sermons For Sundays After Pentecost (Last Third), Cycle A
William A. Jones
A man who has delivered sermons on every continent, Dr. William Augustus Jones is a superlative preacher and has been cited as ”The Dean of New York’s Great Preachers” by the New York Daily News.

The son and grandson of Baptist ministe...

When Life Becomes A Burden Too Hard To Bear
Kenneth Cauthen
Are we ever justified in choosing to die by deliberate action? Is it ever right to aid those who request assistance in dying?

These questions are widely debated today, and in this book Cauthen sets forth the major arguments for and against ph

Six Dramatic Dialogues For Lent
J. B. Quisenberry
It is my hope that ”Voices” brings the teachings of Jesus to life on a very basic and human level.
J. B. Quisenberry

Voices includes meaningful dialogues aimed for the Sundays of Lent, or for mid-week services during Lent. A suggested ord...

Cycle A -- New for 2013-14
Various Authors
Get everything you need for Cycle A in this package. You'll be better prepared and more confident in the pulpit than ever before. Included here are model Gospel sermons, stories for preaching, top-notch exegesis, practical / scholarly commentary, liturgical aids, and more.

Comprised of two compelling services plus a pair of delightful children's messages, this complete set of Christmas Eve resources provides everything you need to create a special worship experience that your congregation will remember long after the h

Program Resources For Congregational Events
Cynthia E. Cowen
Cowen, an experienced resource writer, offers this follow-up collection of programs designed for easy implementation at women's meetings, youth gatherings, and congregational events. Leader's helps are provided to indicate what props, songs, or reade

Five Candle Lighting Readings for Advent
Wayne L. Tilden
Here is a resource that will dramatize the lighting of the Advent candles during your worship service. The lighting of each candle is proceeded by a statement, which the author suggests may be read from offstage.

The series of statements reve

First Lesson Sermons For Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Cycle A
R. Glen Miles
Between Gloom And Glory is an example of Old Testament preaching at its most powerful and effective. Each of the 15 sermons contains heart-rending illustrations and each sermon builds to a climax of meaning and emotion.

Titles include:

Second Lesson Sermons For Advent, Christmas And Epiphany, Cycle A
Richard A. Hasler
Each of the 17 sermon topics in this book consists of a charge or a command. We might even call them messianic imperatives. Since Christ has come, will come and is coming, how shall we live? The messages are eminently practical, but they do not co...