Gospel Sermons For Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Cycle A
William B. Kincaid III
I have heard Bill Kincaid preach. After reading this book of sermons I am of the opinion that he has defied the axiom that sermons that preach well don't read well, and sermons that read well don't preach well. The sermons in this volume read well

First Lesson Sermons For Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Cycle A
Stephen M. Crotts
It is not God’s plan to take us by surprise. Throughout scripture there is the rolling thunder of the Deity’s voice resounds: ”I’m going to do it! Get ready! Pay close attention! Here comes what I promised!” We call such predictions

First Lesson Sermons For Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Cycle A
Robert A. Beringer
Like Isaiah of old, those who trust in the promise of God’s coming kingdom know that history must have an ending, and that God must be a part of that ending! Those who trust in the promise of God’s coming kingdom are able to see the advance signs

Gospel Sermons For Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Cycle A
John B. Jamison
Loving people and caring for them isn’t enough to change the way the world works overnight.... Our caring isn’t enough to change all ”bad” into ”good.” But it is all we are asked to do. And it is enough. (from the sermon ”Enough”)

The 1

Second Lesson Sermons For Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Cycle B
Wayne Brouwer
One day God will stand again as solo conductor on the podium of the universe, and lead in the crashing finale of the symphony of Life. But until then, we who are left in this world with the buzzing and blaring of many competing and changing...

Gospel Sermons For Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Cycle B
John A. Stroman
The Bible reveals a God of surprise. He calls his creation into life out of waste, wilderness and darkness. (from the Introduction)

Stroman takes the Gospel texts for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany and develops uplifting messages of ho

First Lesson Sermons For Sundays After Pentecost (Middle Third), Cycle A
Curtis Fussell
While fewer than 25 percent of the sermons preached from contemporary American pulpits are derived from Old Testament texts, preachers will find in this book new reason to base their sermons on the First Testament, especially Genesis and Exodus.

Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Cycle B
John A. TenBrook
If you want audiences to laugh while being stimulated to see the scriptural message in a new light, you'll love the enjoyable and enlightening sketches in the latest installment of John TenBrook's popular Thespian Theology series. It's

Second Lesson Sermons For Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Cycle A
Dallas A. Brauninger
Many modern Christians yearn for a deeper spiritual life, a relevant relationship with a God who still matters and who thinks we still matter. However, Dallas Brauninger tells us, we are not good at listening and talking with God. What we are good at

First Lesson Sermons For Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Cycle A
Paul E. Robinson
On these pages one encounters the moving image of the holy God with Isaiah in the temple, the powerful call to justice through the thundering voice of Amos, the depth of despair in the heart of Jeremiah and the struggle for faithfulness in the prophe...