A Christmas Anthology
These resources were carefully selected from almost 100 manuscripts submitted. They were chosen for their creativity and content, but also for their adaptability to churches of any size. None of them require complicated props or settings, nor do any

Series II, Cycle A
Wayne H. Keller
The most impressive thing about Wayne Keller's body of ideas for worship through the Christian Year is his boldness. He is bold in demanding that we, his colleagues in liturgical leadership, plan worship which has to do with the reality of our congregations' experience in the world, rather than just lead people through a proper agenda of acts and words which have no bearing on what we do the rest of the week. He is bold in challenging us to bring that real

Volume II: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I and II Samuel, I and II Kings, I and II Chronicles
Martha Jane Gray Click (with E. Dale Click)
After people complete the Information Talks For Visitors (see my book From Zero To Faith), attendees are hungry to get a handle on the Bible. These volumes on Through The Bible -- Book By Book not only educate but sustain people in the faith. Any church yearning to grow and sustain people needs to do these two things:
1) Give them information on the history and meaning of the Christian

And Other Christmas Dramas
Rod Tkach
Experience the magic of Christmas through the eyes of children in The Christmas Caper and Other Christmas Dramas by Rod Tkach. This delightful book takes you on a journey through three unique short dramas, each bringing to life the timeless story of Christmas.

Dan Taddeo

Scripture Servings for Spiritual Strength is a uniquedaily devotional because it contains no commentary or application save the convictionof the Scriptures themselves upon the heart of the reader.  With over 260relevant topics containing more than 2,700 biblical passages spread outover 366 pages, you will find plenty to nourish your daily appetite

An Anthology of Advent Fantasies
Bob Tedrow
Padre Bob Tedrow lives in story land -- that is, a part of theworld where storytelling is endemic. From Native Americans who have beentelling sacred myths for hundreds of years, to Spanish conquerors with theirstories of Don Quixote and El Cid, to Anglos and their heroes of tall taleslike Pecos Bill and Paul Bunyan, there has been a rich heritage in theSouthwest for many generations of communicating great truth through stories.

Sermons for Pentecost Sunday Through Proper 14 Based On the Gospel Texts For Cycle A
Tom M. Garrison
The Word in Other Words presents a beautiful collection of thoughts and experiences, ushering the reader into a closer examination of their walk with God. Too often we forget that the significance of Easter is its ability to deliver a future, saving us from the past and the present with its offer of redemptive hope. As Reverend Dr. Tom Garrison urges the Christ follower to surrender despair and exchange it for hope, he boldly calls us to pursue lives filled with gratitude, risk, and faithfulness -- lives centered on a future that is only possible because of the cross and an empty grave. The Word in Other Words confidently encourages us to follow Jesus, reminding us that he is the only one who can carry our burdens and mend our brokenness.

Animals, Gardens, and Trees
Susan E. Babler
Look It Up - In the Bible - Book 2 is the perfect resource for getting children interested in the scriptures, so their Bibles get used rather than collecting dust on the shelf. Structured in a convenient format that stimulates curiosity, this volume encourages young people to memorize verses and become more familiar with the scriptures by having them look in the Bible to find answers to a wide variety of questions. One side of each page asks a question, provides a clue, and includes a Bible reference that kids can look up on their own or with the aid of an adult; then on the other side of the page they can see the answer highlighted along with the Bible verse containing it. There are nearly 75 questions and answers divided into 3 themed categories (animals, gardens, and trees). Also included are easily reproducible pages with featured Bible verses, so that paper copies with the verse printed on them can be given to each child in a group. Look It Up - In the Bible - Book 2 is a valuable learning tool for Sunday school teachers, homeschooling parents, and Christian elementary schools -- it's a great way to pique children's interest and help them learn that the Bible is filled with fascinating stories, characters, and lessons.

An Anthology for Lent and Easter
Joe Barone, Joseph M. Beer, William R. Grimbol, Mary Hoover, Amy Jo Jones, Jeff Milsten, Diana M. Morris

Helping Children Grieve
Cynthia Long Lasher
Death Is No Stranger, Cynthia Long Lasher offers resources and guidance for aiding in grief ministry to children, allowing them to adapt in a healthy manner to the reality of life without a loved one while still allowing them to remain what they are -- children. This is an invaluable resource for parents, teachers, ministers, and others who interact with children during times of loss.