Sermons, Exegesis/Commentary, Stories for Preaching, Children's Stories and Worship Resources
David Bales, Susan Andrews, Peter Andrew Smith, Robert Cueni, Robert C. Cochran, George Reed, Molly James
Make life easier for you and your congregation by getting the tools and resources you need for an active and enthusiastic church year.

Cycle C Sermons for Pentecost Day through Proper 12 Based on the Gospel Texts
Maurice A. Fetty
...we often deceive ourselves. If Plato advised "know thyself"and if his teacher, Socrates, said the "unexamined life is not worth living," many of us are afraid really to examine ourselves too closely, or to come to know who we really are.
— from the chapter "Getting at the Truth"

In this collection of sermons (including

Cycle C Sermons for Proper 13 through Proper 22 Based on Gospel Texts
Richard A. Jensen
In Filling the Hungry with Good Things, Jensen's sermons based on Luke's gospel are shaped primarily in story form and explore his investigation of the relationship between storytelling and preaching.

Cycle C Sermons for Proper 23 through Thanksgiving Based on the Gospel Texts
R. Robert Cueni
In this collection of sermons for the final weeks of the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C, the reader will find the common theme of "living through difficult times of maximal change."

In this volume, Cueni lets the text shape the sermon in some cases, while in others, lets the assigned gospel reading serve as a springboard for moving in a different direction.

Retail Price: $118.75 (Save $78.88)
Sermons, Exegesis/Commentary, Stories for Preaching
David Bales, Peter Andrew Smith, Robert C. Cochran, George Reed, Molly James
Make your job easier and save time with these preaching power tools. Prepare yourself with fresh approaches, imaginative illustrations and solid sermons every week through the end of November.

Series III, Cycle C
Keith Hewitt
The 59 stories based on Cycle C texts by Keith Hewitt will help you deliver your message in creative and captivating ways.