Crafting The Funeral Homily
Barbara G. Schmitz
Pastors will receive solid theological and practical assistance with the important task of creating and presenting the funeral homily. Because time is usually limited for meditation creation, they will find invaluable help time and again from this vo

Divine Revelations, Angels, And Holy Coincidences
John E. Sumwalt, Editor
The Bible is filled with many familiar stories of mystical experiences -- Moses and the burning bush, Samuel in the temple, the angel's visit to Mary, and Paul's Damascus road experience are just a few examples -- and many modern Christians have equa

Worship Service
James Edgar
A Chrismon Service is a worship service for Christmas time, designed to incorporate the meaning of Chrismons. It portrays the drama of redemption through the use of Crismons -- symbols of Christ. These symbols are presented, explained, and th

Hymn Services And Readings For Special Times Of The Year
Mary Lu Warstler
Looking for worship material specifically tailored for holidays and other special, out-of-the-ordinary occasions? If so, then you’ll draw on this compendium of services for fresh ideas throughout the year. Each of these 13 services actively involves

Dialogues About Repentance, Sacrifice, Humility, Commitment, Faith, And Service
Martha L. Leach
Including a ready-to-use Order of Service, this book of dialogues for the six weeks of Lent will captivate the imagination of any congregation-large or small.

Each week uses two different characters from the scriptures, one from the Old Testa...

Vol. II -- Based On Cycle B Lectionary Texts
Derl Keefer
CSS Publishing Company proudly presents an all-new edition of The Wesleyan Preaching Resource, a unique contribution to the preaching ministry from some of the foremost pastors and teachers in the Wesleyan/holiness tradition. Based on the Revi...

A Narrative Approach
Richard A. Jensen
In a classic case of failing to see the forest for the trees, Jensen, a homiletics professor and author of two works on narrative preaching, says that preachers tend to analyze biblical books to glean the slightest bits of exegetical data, yet miss t

Contemporary Christian Dramas
Karren Boehr
Many of today’s growing churches are turning to drama to convey the biblical message. These visual portrayals are used for sermon emphasis, general interest, and greater membership participation -- with exciting results. Add life to your congregation

Obligation, Liberation, And Contemporary Christian Conflicts
Henry G. Brinton
Henry Brinton identifies the social and political phenomenon of our time -- the increasing tendency of people to live and worship in like-minded communities. Not only does Brinton explain the theological basis for this ideological segregation, but

And Other Occasional Sermons
John N. Brittain
The fifteen sermons in this volume will provide busy pastors with a resource for several occasions:
* A mini-series for summer - The Christian Journey
* Two sermons for weddings (or the wedding season)
* Two sermons for the beginning of s