Tales of the Inner City
Scott Bryte
Allegory readers in the nineteenth century discovered John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress with its Slough of Despond and characters like Obstinate and Pliable. C. S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia entranced twentieth-century people. A simple step through the wardrobe

Preaching Resurrection Texts
William H. Shepherd, Jr.
Including 21 sermons, this fascinating volume looks at the scriptural texts concerning a pivotal New Testament theme -- the resurrection of Jesus -- and examines how they may be read in various interpretive communities. Shepherd analyzes each of the major New Testament wr...

And 111 Other Sermon Ideas
Terry Cain

Stimulate your creativity with 112 imaginative ”sermon starters” in this companion volume to Shaking Wolves Out Of Cherry Trees... Each idea consists of a clever title that’s sure to pique the interest of the people in the pews,

Stories And Metaphors For The Pulpit
Jerry Schmalenberger
Schmalenberger shares this collection of 475 illustrations and narratives gathered from his own preaching journals. The material will be useful to any preacher and is organized by topic.

This book contains 475 illustrations, anecdotes, metaph

A Christmas Chancel Drama
Marion Fairman
This Christmas chancel drama, used by itself or incorporated into a worship service, uses seven speaking parts (from children to adults) and takes about 30-35 minutes to perform. It is designed as a readers' theater so that little rehearsal is needed

From Ash Wednesday through Easter
Anne W. Anderson, Lynne Cragg, Howard Eshbaugh, Michelle Griep, Leonard V. Kalkwarf, William Luoma, Pamela D. Williams, Janice Bennett Wyatt
This anthology provides an abundance of services, dramas, monologues, and sermons for use from Ash Wednesday through Easter. Using such things as newspapers and candles, these services will leave a lasting impression. Easy to stage and perform, th

The Lenten Journey from Death to Life
Gregory L. Tolle
Gregory Tolle knows that to fully understand and appreciate the miracle of new life at Easter, one has to first fully understand and experience death. In Experiencing Easter, the reader is taken on a journey through Lent. Beginning on Ash We

The Big Influence Of Small Things
Brett Blair & Tim Carpenter
Anyone who has done children’s sermons will sooner or later hear from someone that ”I learn more from the children’s sermon than I do from the real sermon.” And indeed, the truths of scripture are so simple that even a child can understand them. So i...

For The Six Days Of Holy Week
C. Alton Robertson
These six meditations offer a time and a place, suggested scripture readings from the Gospel texts, and provocative meditations. Participants will experience and share the commitment of fellowship in the days leading up to the surprise and joy of Eas

A Children's Church Pageant
Carlene Morton
Sampson's First Christmas is a charming play that's perfect for a holiday children's program in small congregations. The story details the attempts of Sampson Squirrel to discover Christmas. After overhearing a conversation between the rus