A Ten-Session Marriage Enrichment Course For Couples (Student Workbook)
Daryl G. Donovan
God intends for marriage to be one of the most satisfying relationships you will ever experience. Like our relationship with Christ, your relationship with your spouse should be a source of joy, peace, life, and love. But many marriages miss God's plan. The facts are that only about half the couples who go to the altar remain married -- and many of those who do not divorce find themselves in

A Junior High Christmas Program
Marion Fairman
This dramatic Christmas program may be used during the Christmas season for any occasion in which Junior High youth are to take part.

The staging is simple.

The play involves three older teens or young adults and ten to twenty Junior

Building a Productive Pastor-Congregation Partnership in 40 Days
Fred Oaks
A 40-day devotional guide to help churches with new pastors strengthen their relationships with God and one another. Much time, effort, and prayer goes into selecting a new pastor.

Children's Coloring Sheets For Cycle A
Kathleen Tolliver
”Let the little children come to me...for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matthew 19:14)

Is there a better way to develop a hunger in children for the Word of God than to tie it in with one of their favorite activi...

Meditations In Dramatic Form For The Season Of Lent
Neil Ellis Orts
Watch And Pray was written for use by untrained actors. There are no character roles and the dialogue can be divided among as many people as are available to participate.

The seven dramatic mediations begin with Ash Wednesday, followed

Gospel Sermons For Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Cycle A
Linda Schiphorst McCoy
All too often, many people find traditional worship dull and the sermons they hear impractical for living in today's world. Yet Linda McCoy is convinced that the message of God's unconditional love is the most vital word for life anyone can receive -

Second Lesson Sermons For Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Cycle C
Harold C. Warlick, Jr.
Bridging the sometimes disparate worlds of prophecy and gospel, Hal Warlick's sermons on texts from the Revised Common Lectionary provide illustrations and themes that will enable preachers and lay leaders to clearly communicate the Christian message

Gospel Sermons For Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Cycle C
William G. Carter
A history professor told me that the earliest Protestants in America discouraged the celebration of Christmas. ”It’s too much fun,” the Puritans reasoned, ”and the Gospel of Jesus Christ requires our utmost seriousness.” (from the Introduction

First Lesson Sermons For Lent/Easter, Cycle A
Robert J. Elder
Restoring The Future challenges readers to a deeper Easter faith by opening unexpected treasures in the first lesson lectionary passages from Genesis, Exodus, Samuel, the prophets, and the book of Acts.

Drawing upon thoughtfully mine

First Lesson Sermons For Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Cycle C
Harry Huxhold
If we want to know how God will treat the Christian Church, we must look at how God treated the ancient people of Israel. That's the premise of Harry Huxhold's 17 messages based on First Lesson texts from the Revised Common Lectionary, which demonstr