An Advent Service For All Ages
Cynthia E. Cowen
The traditional children’s pageant comes together with Christmas scripture lessons, hymns, and other elements of a worship service. The program culminates with the completion of a ”living” creche, gradually built throughout the ceremony. Among the ve...

A Comedy For All Ages
John O. Eby
Centering around the theme of the familiar song ”The Friendly Beasts,” this intriguing program depicts what the animals who witnessed Jesus’ birth might really have been thinking -- if they had human minds. There’s humorous interplay among camels, sh...

Series III, Cycle C
Cynthia E. Cowen, Frank Ramirez, Arley K. Fadness, Rick McCracken-Bennett, Scott Bryte

An Anthology Of Wedding Meditations
CSS Publishing
Let your life be the two of you looking together to a future, and what will be best for each in that tomorrow. You have some significant decisions to make about that future. Your labor of love will have to include each other in the process of...

Commentaries On Science/Technology Themes
George L. Murphy
How have preachers handled questions about science and religion? Largely by ignoring them. But many people are asking questions about the significance of the Christian message in an age of technology.

Cosmic Witness will help...

The Redemption of the Life of a Ukrainian Orphan
Deborah J. Amend
This powerful narrative not only provides readers with a clear understanding of the often challenging aspects of adoption, particularly for special needs children, it also offers inspiration by illustrating just how much an average, ordinary family can do when listening to God and following His call.

Lessons On Teaching With Love
Wendy Byard
Teach And Reach for Classroom Miracles! Lessons On Teaching With Love aims to convince teachers and leaders that love is the key to miracle-filled classrooms. When Wendy Byard first began teaching, the college professor, like many instructors, thought all her students needed was a

A Family-Focused Lenten Series
Arley Fadness
In Holy Moses, Arley Fadness takes the reader on a trip with Moses and the Hebrew people. This collection of six family-oriented Lenten services creates excitement and anticipation in children and adults alike as they retell and reliv

Series V, Cycle B
Dallas A. Brauninger
This handy worship resource provides pastors and worship planners with a worship theme for each of the three scriptural texts for each Sunday and major observance in Cycle B. Also included for each First Lesson, Second Lesson,

Sermons In The African-American Preaching Tradition
Carlyle Fielding Stewart, III
This compelling sermons collection explores the art and uniqueness of African-American preaching. Readers will discover the ritual drama and the processes, form and substance of black storytelling that are pivotal elements coloring African-American c...