19 Congregational Worship Resources, Cycle C
Pamela Urfer
A fresh look at scripture, a new presentation of the gospel, a deeper communication for God's truths -- this is what church drama has to offer.

Sunday Morning Readers' Theater, C, offers 19 skits for use during the church year. Each skit's performance falls between five and 10 minutes with the exception of readings for major church days.

"What I hope to do is to help people see the

Good Friday Ecumenical Worship Service
Steven B. Bomely
In His Steps is a Protestant version of the stations of the cross experienced by Roman Catholics. It is designed as an ecumenical Good Friday worship service. There are 12 stations in the service.

Participants represent the stations dur...

Preaching The Miracles -- Cycle A
Jeff Wedge
The stories of Jesus’ miracles challenge our jaded modern sensibilities -- with today’s wealth of scientific and technological knowledge, the wonders of our world rarely amaze us anymore. It can be difficult for us to grasp the astounding effect of t...

A Dramatic Monologue For Christmas Eve/Day
Harriet Faust
Reflect with Miriam on the nature of God's love and his expectations for his people -- as she find's God's greatest gift in some very unexpected places.

Children's Sermons
Mark A. Hultquist
From A Mustard Seed ... 52 messages for children ... one for each Sunday of the coming year.

One of the biggest challenges of parish ministry is to capture and motivate the imagination of our children so that they relate to the Gospel

Sermons For The Church
Don M. Aycock
The testimony of the entire Bible is that God searches for hearts, but even God has trouble with us because we are so fickle. The other side of this is that man has tried to find God, too. ”Man is incurably religious,” we are told. And so he is, s...

56 Vignettes For Cycle C
Robert F. Crowley
These three- to four-minute skits introduce the theme of the Gospel lesson each Sunday. The texts are chosen from Cycle C of the Revised Common Lectionary.

Written with WIT, WISDOM and HUMOR, they help create an audience that is ready to listen to and learn from the sermon.

Requires minimal preparation
Few props
2-4 characters

19 Congregational Worship Resources, Cycle A
Pamela Urfer
A fresh look at scripture, a new presentation of the gospel, a deeper communication for God’s truth-this is what church drama has to offer.

Sunday Morning Readers’ Theater, A, offers 19 skits for use during the church year. Each skit’s

Children Dealing With Grief
Regina Ann Shay
Aimed at children of preschool through grade school age, this illustrated book uses allegory and analogy to introduce the concept of death and dying as the beginning of a new spiritual dimension. The entertaining and thought-provoking story will be v

Ten Sermons And Litanies
Robert F. Scott
Why did Luke include ten occasions of Jesus sharing meals with people, seven of those scenes found only in Luke? How many hundreds or thousands of times did Jesus eat with other people? These ten occasions must have been preserved in the Christian...