Devotions for New Fathers
Steven Molin

Sermons For The Easter Season
Donald William Dotterer
Dotterer has made imaginative use of contemporary parable and story to illustrate that God’s presence is made known in the common circumstance of life. The intermixture of biblical parable and contemporary story helps to illustrate how the daily...

Anecdotes, Poems, And Parables From The Lighter Side Of Church Life
Charles W. Byrd
Enter this provocative collection of inspirational and often amusing anecdotes, one-liners, poems, and parables, and share in the ”Inspirations of Artichokes” and ”The Strength of a Child,” learn to recognize ”A Living Thief” and a ”Burma Buddhist,”

Sermons On Holy Communion And Other Sacred Meals
Maurice A. Fetty
Feasts and festivals are a central part of many cultures, and for Christians there is no more important ”meal” than Holy Communion, in which we commemorate our liberation through the sacrificial death of Jesus. Yet there are many other occasions in...

Second Lesson Sermons For Lent/Easter, Cycle B
John Stroman
These sermons lift up the themes of suffering, reconciliation, and the unmerited goodness of God extended to all through Jesus Christ. Stroman never loses sight of the kerygma in his tightly packed messages. He addresses a world where hatred and viol

Sermons And Object Lessons For Lent And Easter
Thomas A. Pilgrim
Behold The Man is a sermon/study series for Lent inspired by the words of Pontius Pilate about Jesus. The theme is carefully explored from the First Sunday in Lent through Easter Sunday.

For each Sunday a sermon, prayer, children...

More Devotions for Moms
Michelle Waters

There's nothing like seeing a rainbow after a particularly stormy time. It reminds us of the promises of God and of his steadfast love -- even for harried moms. To be a mother often means being able to see through the clouds of life that threaten to overshadow God's abundant grace and mercy and beholding the promise of God's rainbow. The devotions in Through the Clouds, each accompanied by a scripture verse and a prayer, are a perfect resource for busy moms who need to take a few quiet moments each day with the Lord. These brief meditations will encourage them to see the rainbows and remember God's promises -- no matter how much laundry is waiting!

Series II, Cycle A
Dallas A. Brauninger
While this book offers information for the sermon writer, Brauninger avoids presenting a ready-made cloak of words for a morning sermon. Instead she invites preachers and their audiences to explore the gap between the "back then" and the "now." This not only answers questions, it also generates them -- crucial in understanding the miracles of Jesus. Five sections are devoted to each of the miracles:

Text -- The entire lectionary text is provided, preventing the

Exploring The Origins of Christmas Symbols
CSS Publishing
Holly, wreaths, Santa Claus, bells and the poinsettia ... how do these symbols of the seemingly secular world relate to the real Christmas story -- the birth of Jesus Christ?

Visions Of The Holy In Ordinary Lives
John E. Sumwalt, Editor
The Bible is filled with stories of shining moments -- Moses' face shone as he came down from the mountain with the ten commandments; Jesus' face changed and his clothes became dazzling white in a transfiguration witnessed by the disciples; Paul was