Sports Anecdotes For Preachers
Richard A. Hasler
God’s Game Plan will add color, warmth, humor, and imagination to any preacher’s message. Its anecdotes can be used by anyone who seeks to interpret more effectively the Good News in our day.

The book includes over 75 sports anecdotes

Lessons about Life, Learned on the Lake
Patty Mondore
It's time to sit back, put on your life jacket, and get ready for an adventure as the author, Patty Mondore, shares a few of the lessons about life that she's learned on the lake. What you need is A Good Paddling!

Anyone who has spent time on the water would

A Christmas Pageant For Youth Of All Ages
Georgianna Summers
This delightful Christmas pageant includes speaking, reading, and non-reading parts for all the children in your congregation. Pre-schoolers, younger children, older youth, and their adult audience will all enjoy exploring a variety of charming Chris...

A Good Friday Tenebrae Service
David E. Ridenhour
This gripping tenebrae worship drama confronts your congregation with the powers of darkness and destruction which were responsible for the crucifixion of Christ. Brief monologs by Sorrow, Fear, Death, and four other shadowy personae (presented on st...

A Dramatic Commemoration Of The Last Supper
Raymond I. Keffer
Though it is perfect for the Easter season, this series of monologues about the lives of the Disciples following Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension, may be used any time throughout the year. Congregations will learn the often overlooked post

Eight Studies On The Life And Times Of Jesus
E. Dale Click
In his introduction the author asks, ”If you were to describe the life of Jesus Christ, what would you say? If you were talking with a person who had never heard of Jesus Christ, who would you say He is?”

Many church members hunger for more i...

A Play For Lent
Marguerite D. Brown
This five-scene chancel drama tells the story of Jesus' arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection through the eyes of the women who knew Jesus and were influenced by his life and death. From the Upper Room through Golgotha and the Empty Tomb, we hear the passionate feelings the Master stirred in these women who are much like us. The scenes can be

Series III, Cycle C
Richard Gribble CSC, Steven E. Albertin, April Yamasaki, Charles L Aaron Jr., Scott Suskovic

Information Talks for Visitors
E. Dale Click
Here an experienced evangelist offers a detailed account of how he introduced the Christian faith to unchurched seekers.
H. George Anderson, former Presiding Bishop
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

E. Dale Click has produced a book which is timely in its focus and creative in its execution. Designed as a series of five TALKS to be given to visitors inquiring into the beliefs and practices of the Christian, and especially