Lives Of Faith And Service
Robert L. Allen
Whether in business, government, or even ministry, effective leaders must be able to delegate many responsibilities. And because they depend so much on their deputies, it is vital that these leaders have a high degree of trust in their closest adviso...

Gospel Sermons For Sundays After Pentecost (Last Third), Cycle A
Joseph M. Freeman
In each of the chapters of this book Freeman carefully opens up the text with an introductory statement. He then shares the historical background and the theological theme of the text and continues with commentary that amplifies and illustrates the p

The Answer To WWJD
Robert D. Prescott-Ezickson
The acronym WWJD (What would Jesus do?) has become a popular device for making ethical and moral decisions, and evaluating how we should act in a wide range of situations. But this seemingly ubiquitous slogan has also been used to trivialize Jesus an

Preaching The I Am Statements Of Jesus
Ronald J. Lavin
Who is Jesus Christ? These fourteen chapters answer that question in his own words: I AM the light of the world ... I AM the way, the truth and the life ... I AM the Good Shepherd ... I AM the alpha and the omega..., Why a book on the I AM sayings of...

Nine Lenten Chancel Dramas
Paul L. Larsen
I was struck by the way these dramas relate to children and young people, and by how they involve children and youth in the presentations. At the same time, they have a significant message for adults. It strikes me that they could also be used whe

New Testament Sermons For Lent And Easter
Rev. Dr. Mark J. Molldrem
These sermons for Lent and Easter are based on second lesson texts from the epistles, including First and Second Corinthians, Romans, Ephesians, Hebrews and Philippians.

Molldrem packs his sermons with powerful stories and gripping illustr

Charles Wesley Mockingbird's Life Lessons
Gene Gee and Mary Helen Gee
”Down in Florida there is a community where lots of animals and birds live. It is called Critterville. In that town there is a bird whose name is Charles Wesley Mockingbird. He is the minister of Critterville Church.”

What follows that introd...

12 Sermons For The Lord's Supper
Burton F. Blair
The Christ Who Is Hidden is a compilation of sermons that are biblically and theologically grounded, well-structured homiletically and helpful to preacher and laypersons in discerning the presence and love of God. With passion and sensitivi

Series IV, Cycle B
James R. Wilson
A Call to Worship, Collect, Prayer of Confession, and three suggested hymns based on each lectionary text (First Lesson, Second Lesson, and Gospel) are provided for every Sunday of the year in cycle B. Additional non-lectionary days such as All Saint

Twelve Worship Resources For Holy Week
Cynthia Cowen and Stephen Cowen
Death took me. I found myself in an empty, dark void. I don’t remember anything of it, just emptiness. Then I heard his voice, ”Lazarus, come out!” Jesus called me from death to life. Struggling through the darkness, I came out of my tomb. (fr