Messages For Lent, Holy Week, or Good Friday
John R. Brokhoff
”Father, forgive them; for they know not what they are doing.” --Luke 23:34

As in Luke 23:34, John R. Brokhoff offers ”words of grace” in this series of sermons for Lent, Holy Week, or Good Friday. The messages are based on passages from Luke...

Commentary, Stories, and Prayers
Jill Duffield, Keith Hewitt, Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson
This package of resources will help you gain insight from new and different perspectives. Using these books will give you confidence and enthusiasm all year long.

Series IV, Cycle A
James R. Wilson
Call to Worship, Collect, Prayer of Confession, and three suggested hymns based on each lectionary text (First Lesson, Second Lesson, Gospel) are provided for every Sunday of the year in cycle A. Additional non-lectionary days such as All Saints, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, Worldwide Communion Sunday, and parent's days are also included.

To Run The Race With Joy
Sandy Rice
Breast cancer is a national epidemic. It claims the lives of approximately 45,000 women each year. Another 182,000 women are diagnosed with the disease every year. Here is one of the only books written that addresses the needs of these women.<

Children's Object Lessons
Wesley T. Runk
We Are The Church offers 52 easy-to-use children’s object lessons for the entire church year. These lessons are based on New Revised Standard Version Second Lesson texts, mostly from Romans.

Each lesson offers clear directions:

Series III, Cycle B
Harold H. Lentz
One cannot read the miracles of Christ reported in the Gospel of Mark without being convinced of the divinity of Christ. John Mark repeatedly records Christ's divine powers over nature, illness, severe physical handicaps, and sin. These events in which God's power entered into human situations had profound effects on those who witnessed them -- and they continue to teach us great spiritual truths

Key Words Of Faith
David P. Rebeck
The meaning of some church words is often taken for granted. We assume, for example, that everyone knows what HOLY or GLORY or SIN mean. But when we explore the history of these words we uncover a new depth of understanding.

Preachers and lay

The Clergy's Church Growth Handbook
Michael B. Brown
The reason you have this manual in your hands is that you hope yours can become a growing congregation. The question is ”How?”

This study has been prepared by a minister whose church increased its membership from 790 to 1,200 plus and its wor...

First Lesson Sermons For Sundays After Pentecost (First Third), Cycle B
Gary L. Carver
Packed with personal stories of warmth and family, these sermons show how God takes a frightened group of disciples and sends them out to be the most constructive force for good in the history of the world. They demonstrate that God can move ordinary

Nine Children's Object Lessons For Lent (with Coloring Book)
Wesley T. Runk
Opening: Good morning, boys and girls. Let’s pretend for a minute that all the electricity went out all over the whole world! This wouldn’t do you any good at all, would it? (Hold up the light bulb. Let them respond.)

Close: The next time you