Price: $22.95
Retail Price: $22.95 (Save $0.00)
ISBN: 0788010611
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 194
This volume will become a primary resource for pastors and worship planners of all denominations. It contains some of the most creative and inspirational worship material we have seen.
Wonder is the ability to be open to surprise and possibility. It is the source of gratitude, expectancy, and trust ... the quality of an authentic and abundant life ... Asking for Wonder ... is a call to beauty, celebration and God. (from the Introduction)
After exploring the meaning of "Creative Worship," the author offers a wide variety of:
Calls To Worship
Prayers Of Confession And Assurance
Scripture Readings For Worship
Litanies And Readings
Affirmations Of Faith
The book concludes with chapters on Baptism and Communion, which include gripping narrative stories and contemporary services. The final chapter offers suggestions for involving children in worship.
Elaine M. Ward has spent her lifetime helping others discover the joy and wonder of worship as she has taught storytelling workshops throughout the country. She has taught Christian Education at Perkins School of Theology, Dallas, Texas; Iliff School of Theology, Denver, Colorado; DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana; and Lancaster Theological Seminary and Franklin and Marshall College, both located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Ward is a prolific writer and creator of video materials on subjects which include storytelling, Old Testament and New Testament stories, children and worship, children and prayer, activities for teacher's training, and worship materials for Advent, Lent and other seasons.
In 1990 she won the prize for the Best Written Sermon while at Lancaster Theological Seminary. She has been featured as a keynote speaker and has filled pulpits in Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia, Ohio, California, and Texas. Her workshop for ministers on "Preaching The Story" has been widely acclaimed. Currently Elaine Ward is a freelance writer, worship leader, preacher, and storyteller.