First Lesson Sermons For Sundays After Pentecost (Last Third), Cycle A
Robert S. Crilley
This volume makes clear why Robert Grilley has won awards and wide acclaim for his preaching. These messages bring the reality of God to contemporary life.
He listens as we sometimes speak of how difficult it is to find God and how we receive onl...

How the Supreme Court's First Amendment Decisions Affect Organized Religion
Kathryn Page Camp
An unbiased account of the effect Supreme Court decisions have on organized religion.

  • Features the largest number of actual cases in one volume ever made available to the general public.
  • A perfect resource for the library of those who are touched by the First Amendment and freedom of religion issues.
  • A great reference for

Worship Resources For The Day Of Pentecost
George Paul Mocko
The Day of Pentecost calls Christians to celebrate the power of God for life. In times when the faithful feel powerless, and fear that God and the church may have nothing to say to the world, these resources provide a word of strength.


Moral Messages From A College Chapel
Harold C. Warlick, Jr.
”It is easy to be brave when everyone agrees with you; but the difficulty comes when you have to stand out, one among many, remembering your obligations as a child of God. It is just as difficult for adults. It takes some real effort to live a goo...

First Lesson Sermons For After Pentecost (Last Third), Cycle B
John P. Rossing
”Faith, hope and love are the abiding attributes of the Christian life. Most of us proclaim faith and love consistently,” writes John P. Rossing. ”But ... we may be guilty of neglecting the third great gift God has given us. During the closing Sunday...

A Study Of The Lord's Prayer
Charles E. Link
Charles Link takes the unique approach that the Lord’s Prayer is a further interpretation of Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount, summarizing the major themes of his teachings and providing a means for ”signing on” to their morally demanding and culture count...

7 Messages Unstuck From Bumper Stickers
Carl B. Rife
A few years ago I saw a bumper sticker on a car that said, ”Let Our Kids Pray.” I had an immediate reaction.... I went to my car and got a pen and paper and wrote on the paper, ”Who’s stopping them?” and put it under the windshield wiper.

A Course In Worship
Kenneth R. Burcham
Kenneth Burcham ... gives abundant information about the background of worship forms. He helps readers approach the parts of a worship service with a good sense of interpretation and meaning. I recommend its use with classes of lay people who are

Sermons For Pentecost II Based on First Lesson Texts, Cycle C
Dr. James H. McLemore
”Sometimes in order to move people past their old bad habits and past their old repetitive sins and past their old wicked ways, God has to shake up some mountains. God has to empty some places that used to be full. God has to take away some blessi...

A Bio-Historical ApproachVolume 2: Application
Kenneth Cauthen
In these two volumes, Kenneth Cauthen thoroughly examines what he terms ”the ethics of belief.” Simply stated, Cauthen posits that ethics are a matter of the convictions that individuals and communities have about what is right and wrong, good and ev...