A Guide for Strengthening the Church
Mary Harwell Sayler
What a Body! -- A Guide for Strengthening the Church provides everything the reader needs to conduct an intensive weekend retreat. This leader’s guide includes:
* Schedule
* Outlines for talks on specific subjects
* Meal pl...

New Lyrics For Traditional Hymns
Charles M. Mountain
In this volume Charles Mountain supplies at least one scripture paraphrase and/or ”theme hymn” to go along with existing hymn tunes for each Sunday and major festival in the Revised Common Lectionary for all three cycles.

The lyrics follow th...

A Christmas One-Act
Joann S. Dawson
It is Christmas Eve. All over town people are preparing for Christmas. Amid the hustle and bustle of the night a little church is open and prepared for any visitor. For some people on this night the scene at the little church’s altar will be a lifesa...

Lenten Congregational Resources
Betty Lynn Schwab
Visions of Lent Year 2 -- Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) offers congregations a weekly presentation to be included in the regular Lenten worship service. This follow-up to Volume 1 (which concentrated on the Feast of Passover) focuses on the Pa...

Reflections On The Ten Commandments
Robert G. Tuttle
Suppose you are flying alone at night. It is stormy and you are lost. Your fuel is running low.... You are about to give up when suddenly there is a break in the clouds and there below you is a narrow string of lights. A place to land! Thank God! Wou

Gospel Sermons For Sundays After Pentecost (Last Third), Cycle A
George S. Johnson
This collection of sermons carries us once again to the unquenchable challenge of discipleship ... following the Christ in pursuit of his vision of God's reign of justice and righteousness. A careful reading of these sermons is as spiritually rene

The Reign of God and Missional Churches Today
Ron Lavin
In this book, Ron Lavin explores in great depth exactly what witnessing is as well as what it is not. Whether the witness comes from an unnamed high school math teacher or a person one is hoping to marry, a pastor or a priest, it is always the same thing--it is simply the planting of a seed. The

Scriptures For The Lectionary Speaking Choir, Cycle B
Dallas A. Brauninger

Lenten Congregational Resources
Betty Lynn Schwab
A new and unusual service for Lent...!

At the beginning of Lent each family in the congregation is invited to lend a plant from home (silk or live), following a Jewish Shavuot custom. The following Sundays in Lent build on this focal point as

Hymnfest For The Church Year
Ruth M. Buenting
This companion volume to Gloria: Letters From Hymnwriters provides:

a brief commentary for each season of the church year
imaginative letters from the writers of traditional hymns
suggested hymns by the writer of each letter to