Entertaining Ideas And Activities For Children
Bonnie J. Hinkemeyer

Price: $12.95

ISBN: 0788007270
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 78
A treasure chest of learning ideas that includes outside activities, paints, things to make, discovery, games, and snacks. These ideas not only entertain children, they also improve their attention spans. Each activity is field-tested, fun, and inexpensive.

These activities for kids -- ages one to ten -- are not only to entertain but to improve attention spans. Each one is child tested and mother-approved ... fun and inexpensive.

A necessary resource for parents, teachers, nursery schools, churches, and anyone interacting with children!

Included are:
Ideas for painting: straw painting, marble painting, alphabet painting ...
Outside activities: parachutes, picture rocks, bug hut, snow painting ...
Things to make: holiday cards, noodle necklace, ant jar, play dough pumpkins ...
Discovery: Button pictures, leaf drawings, pot match, Fizzle fun ...
Games: Ring-catch, clothespin drop, color match, red light-green light ...
Recipes: Bread clay, eatable play dough, finger paint ...
Snacks: Ants on a log, carrot salad, fruit shake, banana crunch ...

Great ideas that will brighten any child's day!... Kidkit makes child play easy, fun and safe.
Sue Baranik, Parenting magazine

As a parent, educator and staff person at Minnesota Parent I highly recommend Kidkit ... Great for school breaks, holidays and just plain free time.
Jean S. Madso, Minnesota Parent magazine

Bonnie J. Hinkemeyer is the mother of an active child. She I discovered there were few available materials for helping parents relate to children who can't sit still for long. Over a period of time she developed these activities which she discovered were able to improve her son's attention span. Raised on a 160-acre Hobby Farm south of St. Cloud, Minnesota: Bonnie has engaged in a variety of careers including day-care worker, beauty shop owner, and paper mill worker. She is currently a construction worker with a Class A license to operate heavy equipment. Her other interests include crocheting, knitting, designing jewelry from coins, and raising horses, dogs and cats.