Old Testament Stories
The Kids' Translation
Mark Lawrence

Price: $7.95

ISBN: 0788007688
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 23
If you like Dr. Seuss, you will enjoy the whimsical style of Mark Lawrence. These favorite stories with illustrations include: The Creation, Adam & Eve, The Fall of Man, Cain & Abel, and Noah's Ark. Each provides an accurate interpretation, with humor, of the Bible stories. They are presented in rhyming verse, a style that is fun and enjoyable to read. Closely matching the look and feel of the Dr. Seuss books, these children's stories will help young people enjoy and remember the Bible in a way they never have before.

These stories are:
Fun for small children to hear
Enjoyable for parents to read
Both will remember and benefit from sharing God's word in a completely new way!

Mark Lawrence is a graduate of LaGrange College. He and his wife Elena have two children, Josh, 9, and Avery, 4. His hobbies include watercolor painting and computer programming.