Cycles A, B, And C
Jerry L. Schmalenberger
The miracles of Jesus are some of the most striking passages in the New Testament -- they bring the power of God "up close and personal" by dramatically rearranging human situations and teaching us great spiritual truths. But how can we translate the

With An Eye To The New (Cycle B)
Elizabeth Achtemeier
Writing in a homiletical style, prominent Bible scholar Elizabeth Achtemeier provides expositions on all of the Old Testament texts contained in Cycle B of the Revised Common and Lutheran Lectionaries. Infused with her customary insight into the Hebrew scriptures, this collection of Achtemeier's contributions to the preaching journal Emphasis furnishes a plethora of fruitful starting points for preparing sermons rooted in the Bible yet

Series VII, Cycle B
Jerry L. Schmalenberger
Providing a fresh, timely reflection every week on assigned scripture passages is one of the most daunting tasks facing pastors. So when time or inspiration is flagging and you need the jump-start of creative ideas, the latest edition of the classic CSS resource Lectionary Preaching Workbook is just what the doctor ordered! Prominent pastor, former seminary president, and prolific

Vol. II -- Based On Cycle B Lectionary Texts
Derl Keefer
CSS Publishing Company proudly presents an all-new edition of The Wesleyan Preaching Resource, a unique contribution to the preaching ministry from some of the foremost pastors and teachers in the Wesleyan/holiness tradition. Based on the Revi...

Cycle B
John R. Brokhoff
The parables of Jesus are timeless stories -- and with the current popularity of narrative preaching, the parables are a familiar topic in the contemporary pulpit. But preaching on the parables is not as easy as it looks at first glance. Should we simply tell the parable in our own words and let it stand on its own feet, or is its lesson most effectively communicated by constructing a sermon around the central theme? Or should the preacher spiritualize the parable by

Series III, Cycle B
Dallas A. Brauninger

Jesus used his parables to teach ordinary people with common problems; yet because these simple stories contain universal truths that transcend time and culture, they still strike a powerful chord and provide us with important lessons about G

Preaching The Miracles, Cycle B
Charles L.Aaron

This is an admirable example of pastoral theology at its best. Aaron's discussions of the historical background and theological significance of each text are thoroughly informed and articulate. Equally helpful are the insights he brings to

Preaching The Message Of The Miracles -- Cycle B
Richard Carl Hoefler
Christ came to set God’s people free from disobedience, disease, and death -- and each of the miracle events was not a ”faith-healing” but rather a battle won, in which Jesus provided a cure from something for something. That’s the comp...

Series II, Cycle B
Constance Berg
Everyone remembers and enjoys a good story -- and heartfelt stories touch us in ways nothing else can. Jesus used stories or parables to emphasize his points and lead his listeners to look at themselves and examine their motivations.

This collection of stories illustrating biblical passages from Cycle B of the Revised Common

Series V, Cycle B (revised edition)
Russell Anderson
Bigger, stronger, better! This newly revised edition of Russell Anderson's best-selling Lectionary Preaching Workbook retains all of the great features that have made it an indispensable tool for busy pastors who need a helping hand with their weekly homiletic research and want to make the most of their limited preparation time.