Forming New Adult Christians Through Conversion And Baptism
Frank G. Honeycutt
The process described in this book will lead to church members who are more deeply committed and more firmly rooted in their faith. It brings together worship, Christian education and social outreach in a detailed program that is directed to the adul

Reflections Of A Seminary President
Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr.
Why does ministry in the church so often resemble dull prose rather than sparkling poetry?

How do we handle always getting top billing and being at center stage in the drama of parish life?

What is the truth in Flannery O’Connor’s obs...

Living the Stories Jesus told in Real Time
Michelle Van Loon
Jesus? most familiar parables are examined in three ways: From the context of the text, through an imaginative retelling of the story behind the story of the parable, and how the parable looks today in real time through actual stories of people living now.

Biblical Interpretations of Suffering
Daniel J. Simundson
Daniel Simundson shows how the Bible can speak to the universal human experience of suffering. He examines various biblical responses to suffering and explains what the New Testament can add to the thought of such classic works as the books of Job, E...

A Guide For Caregivers
George Fitchett
How do pastors, chaplains, and caregivers assess the spiritual well-being and needs of the people they minister to? George Fitchett presents a model for spiritual assessment that he and his colleagues developed, illustrated with case studies. He revi...

Identity, Challenges, and Spirituality of Lay Ministers
Greg Dues and Barbara Walkley
Today men and women of all ages and all walks of life are drawn to service in the church, but many question where they should begin. This book helps answer many of those questions, like: What is parish ministry? How and why did it develop? What sp...

A Pastoral Care Perspective
John Patton
Forgiving those closest to us who have hurt us is one of the most difficult things Christians are called to do. For pastoral counselors the forgiveness issue creates a particularly serious dilemma, because it places counselors in the position of tell...

An Intercultural Approach to Pastoral Care and Counseling
Emmanuel Y. Lartey
In his holistic and intercultural re-visioning of pastoral care and counselling, Emmanuel Lartey attempts to capture the complex nature of the interaction between people who have been influenced by different cultures, religions, social contexts, orig

Terence J. Keegan, O.P.
”Scholars have realized that the evangelists were theologians, each of whom had a unique insight into the mystery of salvation.” In A Commentary On The Gospel Of Mark, Terence Keegan takes up the unique insight of Mark: ”the Good News is insep...

2nd Reading Cycle A Sermons For Proper 23 Through Thanksgiving
James L. Killen, Jr
The second lessons from Proper 23 through Thanksgiving, bringing the lectionary cycle year to its conclusion.

This collection of sermons is a valuable resource of Sermon starters and illuminating illustrations.