Old Stories for a New Time
James Limburg

Price: $12.95

ISBN: 0788099426
Size: 5.5x8.5
Pages: 132
The oral tradition established by the Old Testament storytellers offers today's Christian readers an excellent format for a better understanding of our faith. James Limburg uses stories and storytelling to give the believing community new insights into the study of the Old Testament. He examines stories as a genre and as an innovative way to interpret the Scriptures. He comes to terms with the story and culture of the people who lived and wrote the Old Testament, demonstrating the prominent position storytelling held in Old Testament times.

Remembering that stories and storytelling also play an important part in our early educational development, Limburg has created an effective teaching and learning tool. He deftly relates Old Testament stories, characters, and events to modern faith and society.

James Limburg is Professor of Old Testament at Luther Seminary, St. Paul. Among his other books is The Prophets and the Powerless.